DVC (Damodar Valley Corporation) written exam for the positions of GET (Graduate Engineer Trainee) & JE (Junior Engineer) for the ye...
DVC (Damodar Valley Corporation) written exam for the positions of GET (Graduate Engineer Trainee) & JE (Junior Engineer) for the year 2011 is just round the corner, scheduled to be held on 10th July, 2011. If you have already applied to these GET/JE positions, naturally you would like to find the prep materials for this DVC exam – the sample/previous years papers and name of prep books that you can use. This blog article is dedicated to you – with an analysis of the DVC exam pattern, it points you to the exam papers and books that you can use as study materials.
If you have not applied to this DVC Recruitment exam 2011, but would like to please visit my blog article titled: DVC GET/JE Recruitment 2011 Notification, Eligibility & Forms which tells you how to apply for this exam.
Pattern of DVC GET/JE Exam:
As per the DVC exam notification, the written test for the Graduate Engineer Trainee & Junior Engineers would consist of following sections:
(i) Aptitude tests: Consisting of Test of Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Aptitude, General Awareness, English language.
(v) Technical test: Professional Knowledge/Subject.
Other than above, DVC notification does not says anything about the distribution of marks or number of questions. I had tried heard on the net to find the exam experiences of previous DVC examinees, but could not locate any.
So in absence of any reliable data, I would love to point you to a similar exam conducted by NTPC ( a PSU and power utility organization just like DVC) for Graduate Engineer Trainees & Diploma Engineer Trainees.
In the NTPC exam, there are 55 questions in Technical test & 35 in Aptitude – so a total of 90 multiple-choice questions, which needs to be answered in 2 hours. Also there is there is negative marking of 0.25 mark for wrong answers. You can expect a similar test pattern in DVC exam, but although the exact pattern can be known only in the exam hall.
DVC GET/JE Exam Papers:
Again, no exam paper, either sample/model paper or previous years exam paper of DVC exam could be found on the net. However, following sample papers may act as eye openers:
Placementpapers have a good collection of NTPC test papers of previous years. Click here to find these NTPC papers.
Another good site where you can find some more NTPC papers is 123eng.com. Click here to find these NTPC papers.
All the above papers should be used with a pinch of salt – I found many of them repeated in more than website and also, for the technical test, where as you can find test papers of Electrical, Mechanical & Electronics were abundant, but papers of other streams is not available.
Therefore, you can use the following books as preparatory material for the DVC GET/JE Exam.
Books for DVC GET/JE Exam:

I found following books on net for preparation for NTPC Exams, which can be used for the DVC written exam. These books are available in most of the bookstores, but you can also order them online by clicking the links below, from Flipkart.com which offers huge discounts upto 25%, apart from free shipping/postage in India if the order exceeds Rs. 100/=. You can choose to pay through Credit Card/Debit Card/Internet Banking. You can also choose to pay through “Cash-on-Delivery” i.e. you pay in cash only when the same is delivered at your doorstep:
For Aptitude Test:
List Price: Rs.220, Offer Price: Rs.169, Discount: Rs. 51(23%)
Quantitative Aptitude by R. S. Aggarwal Publisher: S.Chand.
List Price: Rs. 415, Offer Price:Rs. 303 Discount: Rs. 112 (27%)
List Price: Rs.595, Offer Price: Rs.595
List Price: Rs.465, Offer Price: Rs.419, Discount: Rs.46 (10%)
List Price: Rs.540, Offer Price: Rs.540.
NTPC/NHPC/IOC/HP- Mechanical Engg. Guide By RPH Editorial Board
List Price: Rs.430, Offer Price: Rs.387, Discount: Rs.43 (10%)
List Price: Rs.480, Offer Price: Rs.480.
NTPC/NHPC/IOC/HP- Electrical Engg. Guide By RPH Editorial Board
List Price: Rs.460, Offer Price: Rs.414, Discount: Rs.46 (10%)
List Price: Rs.460, Offer Price: Rs.414, Discount: Rs.46 (10%)
List Price: Rs.480, Offer Price: Rs.480.
Books For DVC JE Technical Test:
NTPC Civil Engg. (Diploma Trainees) By G K Publisher
List Price: Rs.195, Offer Price: Rs.195
NTPC Mechanical Engg. (Diploma Trainees) By RPH Editorial Board
List Price: Rs.295, Offer Price: Rs.295.
NTPC Electrical Engg. (Diploma Trainees Recruitment Exam. ) By G K Publisher
List Price: Rs.195, Offer Price: Rs.195.
Guide To NTPC Instrumentation & Control Engg. By Mittal
List Price: Rs.480, Offer Price: Rs.480.
Above book prices were correct at the time of posting the material and may change at the time you actually buy them.
Hope above preparatory materials - Sample Papers & Books helps you to prepare for DVC written exam confidently.
Best wishes!