NIMCET 2014 has been scheduled on 25th May 2014 and it is the right time to start your preparation for the exam. Have you got some prep ma...
If you have not applied for the exam so far, my article NIT MCA Common Entrance Test (NIMCET) 2014 Exam Date Notification, Form & Eligibility would tell you what are the eligibilities for NIMCET, the important dates and how to apply for NIMCET.
With this short introduction let us delve deeper in to the subject matter of this blog post.
NIMCET-2014 Exam pattern:
NIMCET exam consists of 120 multiple-choice objective type questions in four test sections.. Section-wise question/mark distribution is given below:
1. Mathematics: 50 questions (200 marks)
2. Analytical Ability & Logical Reasoning: 40 questions (160 marks)
3. Computer Awareness: 10 questions (40 marks)
4. General English: 20 questions (80 marks)
As you must have found out, lions share of NIMCET marks is Mathematics & Reasoning. So you should prepare for those seriously.
Each NIMCET question has four options, out of which only one is correct. Each correctly answered question will carry Four marks and each wrongly answered question will lead to Negative One mark.
You have to mark your responses with HB pencil in the OMR (Optical Mark Recognition) sheets in the examination and hence you have to bring your own, eraser and black ball point pen. How does an OMR sheet look like? It looks like one below, where you have to blacken the circle representing the correct option with pencil:

Syllabus of NIMCET 2014 exam is reproduced below from the official exam notification.
NIMCET Mathematics Syllabus: (50 questions)
Set Theory: Concept of sets – Union, Intersection, Cardinality, Elementary counting; permutations and combinations.
Probability and Statistics: Basic concepts of probability theory, Averages, Dependent and independent events, frequency distributions, measures of central tendencies and dispersions.
Algebra: Fundamental operations in algebra, expansions, factorization, simultaneous linear / quadratic equations, indices, logarithms, arithmetic, geometric and harmonic progressions, determinants and matrices.
Coordinate Geometry: Rectangular Cartesian coordinates, distance formulae, equation of a line, and intersection of lines, pair of straight lines, equations of a circle, parabola, ellipse, and hyperbola.
Calculus: Limit of functions, continuous function, differentiation of function, tangents and normals, simple examples of maxima and minima. Integration of functions by parts, by substitution and by partial fraction, definite integrals, applications of definite integrals to areas.
Vectors: Position vector, addition and subtraction of vectors, scalar and vector products and their applications to simple geometrical problems and mechanics.
Trigonometry: Simple identities, trigonometric equations properties of triangles, solution of triangles, heights and distances, general solutions of trigonometric equations.
NIMCET Analytical Ability & Logical Reasoning Syllabus: (40 questions)
The questions in this section will cover logical situation and questions based on the facts given in the passage.
NIMCET Computer Awareness Syllabus: (10 questions)
Computer Basics: Organization of a computer, Central Processing Unit (CPU), structure of instructions in CPU, input/output devices, computer memory, and back-up devices.
Data Representation: Representation of characters, integers and fractions, binary and hexadecimal representations, binary arithmetic: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, simple arithmetic and two’s complement arithmetic, floating point representation of numbers, Boolean algebra, truth tables, Venn diagrams.
Questions in this section will be designed to test the candidates’ general understanding of the English language. There will be questions on the following topics:
Comprehension, vocabulary, Basic English Grammar (like usage of correct forms of verbs, prepositions and articles), word power, synonyms and antonyms, meaning of words and phrases, technical writing.NIMCET Sample/Previous Years Exam Papers:
You can find the links below to download the last 6-years NIMCET exam papers below:
Click here to download the ACTUAL NIMCET 2012 Exam paper.
Click here to download the ACTUAL NIMCET 2011 Exam paper.
Click here to download the ACTUAL NIMCET 2010 Exam paper.
Click here to download the ACTUAL NIMCET 2009 Exam paper.
Click here to download the ACTUAL NIMCET 2008 Exam paper.
Click here to download the ACTUAL NIMCET 2011 Exam paper.
Click here to download the ACTUAL NIMCET 2010 Exam paper.
Click here to download the ACTUAL NIMCET 2009 Exam paper.
Click here to download the ACTUAL NIMCET 2008 Exam paper.
All the above papers are sourced in different websites and sometime, these resources may become un-available. Therefore I have also uploaded these files in in a zipped folder. Click here to download the same.
Once you go through the paper in totality and understand the type of questions asked in NIMCET exam, please rely on the following books to prepare for the exam.
Prep/Guide Books for NIMCET exam:
I found following books on net for preparation for NIMCET Exam. The list of these books have been chosen based on user reviews. They are available in most of the bookstores, but you can also order them online by clicking the links below from, which offers huge discounts upto 30%,apart from home delivery if the order exceeds Rs. 500/=. You can choose to pay through Credit Card/Debit Card/Internet Banking. You can also choose to pay through “Cash-on-Delivery” i.e. you pay in cash only when the same is delivered at your doorstep:
A Complete Study Package MCA Entrances of all Indian Universities by Amit Agarwal; Publisher: Arihant
MRP: Rs. 695; Offer Price: Rs. 487; Discount: Rs. 208 (29%)
A Comprehensive Guide for MCA Entrance Examination by R.S. Aggarwal; Publisher: S. Chand
MRP: Rs. 265; Offer Price: Rs. 199; Discount: Rs. 66 (24%)

A Complete Study Package MCA Entrances of all Indian Universities by Amit Agarwal; Publisher: Arihant
MRP: Rs. 695; Offer Price: Rs. 487; Discount: Rs. 208 (29%)
A Comprehensive Guide for MCA Entrance Examination by R.S. Aggarwal; Publisher: S. Chand
MRP: Rs. 265; Offer Price: Rs. 199; Discount: Rs. 66 (24%)
MRP: Rs. 380; Offer Price: Rs. 266 Discount: Rs. 114 (30%)
MRP: Rs. 549; Offer Price: Rs. 438; Discount: Rs. 111 (20%)
Hope above prep materials helps you in your preparation for NIMCET. I would be on the look out for more NIMCET study materials: Sample papers & books and present the same in this blog as and when I find them. So please keep visiting..
Best wishes!