Find how to apply for KVS Teachers Recruitment Exam 2013 along with the Eligibility required and the link for Online Application Form

You can also Click here to download the KVS Recruitment 2013 Notification.
This blog post aims to help you in applying for KVS Recruitment 2013 while following two previous article of mine would help you to prepare for the KVS written exam 2013:
While reproducing the content of the notification in a tablet form, this blog post intends to archive the same for future KVS teacher aspirants – say for KVS Exam 2014-2015.
But before going further, just a brief overview on what is Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan.
What is KVS (Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan):
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) is a mammoth canopy organization of 1093 schools (including 3 of them abroad- Tehran, Moscow & Katmandu) with 1,11,21,012 students (as on 1st Oct 2012) and 56,445 employees. These KV schools have been divided amongst 25 regions, each headed by a deputy commissioner.
Since inception in 1965, the Kendriya Vidyalayas (Central Schools) have come to be known as centers of excellence in the field of secondary and senior secondary education.
More about KVS can be found in its website.
As said before, there are 3931 vacancies of Teachers: 793 PGT, 1059 TGT, 2079 PRT & 112 vacancies of Librarian. You can find the post-wise subject-wise vacancies in the table at right. For post-wise subject-wise category-wise vacancies, please refer to page 1 to 5 of the notification.
Number of vacancies in KVS Recruitment 2013:

Salaries for teachers in KVS:
KVS offers salaries for the PGT positions in following pay-scale:
PGT positions: Rs. 9,300- 34,800 plus Rs. 4,800 Grade Pay.
Librarian positions: Rs. 9,300- 34,800 plus Rs. 4,600 Grade Pay.4
TGT positions: Rs. 9,300- 34,800 plus Rs. 4,600 Grade Pay.
PRT positions: Rs. 9,300- 34,800 Plus Rs. 4,200 Grade Pay.
Selection process for KVS teachers:
Selections for the KVS teacher positions consists of a written test followed by a personal Interview for those shortlisted. More about KVS selection process can be found in my blog post titled: KVS PGT & TGT/PRT Exam pattern, Sample Papers & Books.
Eligibility for KVS PGT/TGT/PRT teachers exam 2013:
Age Eligibility: (as on 28.08.2013), the last date of application)
Maximum age: 40 Years.
Maximum age for TGT: 35 Years.
Maximum age for PRT: 30 Years.
Age relations exists as per Govt. rule.
Academic Qualification Eligibility:
You can find the detailed information on the eligibilities required for KVS PGT/TGT/PRT positions in page 2-6 of the recruitment notification.
Examination Cities for KVS PGT/TGT/PRT teachers exam 2013:
Examination for KVS PGT positions would be conducted all over India in following 23 cities:
Ahmadabad, Allahabad, Bangalore, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Chandigarh, Chennai, Dehradun, Delhi, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jabalpur, Jaipur, Jammu, Jodhpur, Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai, Patna, Port Blair, Raipur, Ranchi, Thiruvananthapuram.KVS Teachers (PGT/TGT/PRT) Exam 2013 Online Application form:
You can apply for KVS Teachers Exam 2013 only through online form.
There is no offline application form.
How to apply online for KVS Teacher Recruitment Exam 2013 is given clearly in section: “HOW TO APPLY” in page 6 of the notification. You should also go through section: “EXAMINATION FEE” in page-7.
There is no offline application form.
How to apply online for KVS Teacher Recruitment Exam 2013 is given clearly in section: “HOW TO APPLY” in page 6 of the notification. You should also go through section: “EXAMINATION FEE” in page-7.
Post submission of the application, you have to send the system generated On-line KVS Teachers Exam 2013 Application Form and self-attested copies of testimonials through ordinary post to the following address:
Post Box No. 3076, Lodi Road, New Delhi-110003.
Important dates for KVS Teachers Recruitment Exam 2013:
Opening Date for Online Registration: 29.07.2013
Last Date for Online Registration for KVS Exam 2013: 28.08.2013 (upto 11.59 p.m).
Last Date for receipt of Computer Generated KVS Application Form: 12.09.2013.
Hope with above information you can apply for KVS Recruitment Exam 2013 confidently. But how do you prepare for this exam? Please read it in my blog posts titled: