This blog post provides you the prep materials for the Gujarat Postal Exam 2016 Syllabus, Online Sample Papers and list of Prep Books, along with an analysis on the Exam Pattern.

Let me first tell you that the eligibility required for this exam is matriculation and hence the questions are also expected to be of matriculation standard only. The exam pattern is very similar to the Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS) exam conducted by SSC (Staff Selection Commission) except that in Gujarat Postal Exam 2016, there is no test section on "General Intelligence & Reasoning" in place of which there is "Regional Language" paper on Gujrati language. Hence you can rely on the SSC MTS Exam prep materials to prepare for the Gujarat Postal Exam 2016.
With this, let us go for the subject matter of this article.
Gujarat Postal Exam 2016 Pattern:
There are four test sections in this exam as you can see in the table depicting the Exam Pattern below. Each section has 25 questions of 1 mark each. Hence total marks in the exam is 100, which has to be answered in 2 hours. There is no negative marking in Gujarat Postal Exam for Postman and Mail Guard. So you should leave no questions un-answered.

Of the above parts, GK and Maths paper would be held bilingual i.e. in English & Gujarati language.
Gujarat Postal Exam 2016 Cut-Off Marks:
So what is the lowest mark you have to score in Gujarat Postal Exam to stay in the race to qualify?
The notification gives you the Gujarat Postal Exam 2016 Cut-Off Marks. These category-wise cut-off marks are represented in the table below.

But above marks are only the most minimum marks to stay in the race. You have to score such marks as to be within top 1242 candidates to be selected in the Gujarat Postal Exam 2016.
Gujarat Postal Exam 2016 Syllabus
You can find the Syllabus of Gujarat Postal Exam 2016 as given in the notification below:
General knowledge
Geography, Indian History, Freedom Struggle & Sports General politics & Constitution of India Economics, General Science, Current Affairs and Reasoning & analytical ability of 10thstandard
Number systems, computation of whole numbers, Decimals & fractions, Relationship between numbers, Fundamental
arithmetical operations, percentage, Ratio & Proportion, Profit & loss, Simple interest, Average, Discount, Partnership, Time & work, Time & Distance, Use of Tables & Graphs, Mensuration.
Articles, Prepositions, conjunctions, tenses, verbs, synonyms and antonyms, vocabulary, sentence structure, Proverbs, Phrases, Questions from a small unseen passage etc.
Regional Language (Gujarati)

Gujarat Postal Exam Papers:
I had tried to find some Gujarat Postal Exam Sample Papers online but could not find any reliable sources. However, you can find the link below to what someone has posted in the Google Drive below:
Click here to find Gujarat Postal Exam Papers.
Gujarat Postal Exam Prep Books

These books are available in most of the book stores. But in case you do not find them, you can use the links below to order from Flipkart which offers huge discounts and also home delivery.
Postman & Mail Guard Recruitment Exam Guide; Author/Publisher: Ramesh (RPH)
MRP: Rs. 135; Offer Price: Rs. 97/=; Discount: Rs. 38/= (28% OFF)
Postman & Mail Guard Recruitment Examination 2015 Maharashtra; Author/Publisher: GK Publications
MRP: Rs. 295; Offer Price: Rs. 265/=; Discount: Rs. 30/= (10% OFF)
Above book is meant for Maharashtra, but however you can use it for the three sections other than Part-D (Gujarati language)..
As said in the beginning of the article, this exam is very similar to SSC MTS Exam. So you can use the prep books and other materials as given in my article: SSC MTS Exam Prep Books.
That is it. Hope above study materials for Gujarat Postal Exam 2016 helps you prepare easily for the exam. Best Wishes!