This article brings you all the prep materials you need for Postman & Mailguard Exam - it gives you the Pattern of exam and than provides you the Syllabus. It than goes on to point you to the Sample Papers followed by the list of Prep Books
Delhi Postal Circle of Indian Postal Department has announced Postman & Mailguard Exam 2014 for recruitment of 740 positions. This article is being posted to help you prepare for the exam. It at first discusses about the Pattern of exam and than provides you the Syllabus. It than goes on to point you to the Sample Papers followed by the list of Prep Books you can study for India Post Postman & Mailguard Exam 2014.
This exam needs just matriculation as a qualifying eligibility and hence if you want to apply for the exam but have not done so far, my previous article: India Post Recruitment 2014 (Delhi Circle) - Postman & Mailguard should definitely help you to apply for the same.
Lets come back to the topic of this article: prep materials for Postman & Mailguard written exam. Let me tell you at the outset that not much information is available on the net which is exclusive to this exam. Whatever study materials have been posted below has been prepared based on similar exams like SSC exams, Delhi Postman / Mailguard Exam, Class-X level national exams like NTSE etc. But I am pretty sure that these would help you prepare well.
First let us know what is the Exam Pattern.
Pattern/Format of Postman & Mailguard Exam 2014:
This exam consist of an Aptitude Test consisting of 100 questions, each of 1 mark. This has to be answered in 2 hours. The four test sections in Postman & Mailguard Exam are as below:1.0 General Knowledge
2.0 Mathematics
3.0 English
4.0 Hindi
There is no negative marking and hence you should attempt all the questions.
With this Postman & Mailguard Exam pattern is as given in the table at right.
Postman & Mailguard Exam 2014 Syllabus:
Syllabus for this exam, as given in the notification, is reproduced below:
General Knowledge:
Geography, Indian History, Freedom Struggle, Culture & Sports, General Politics & Constitution of India, Economics, General Science , Current Affairs and Reasoning & Analytical ability of 10th standard.
(2 to 3 questions from each topic)
Number systems, Computation of whole numbers, Decimals & fractions, Relationship between Numbers, Fundamental arithmetical operations, Percentage, Ratio & Proportion, Profit & loss, Simple Interest, Average, Discount, Partnership, Time & work, Time & Distance, Use of Tables & Graphs, Mensuration.
(1 to 2 questions from each topic)
Articles, Prepositions, conjunctions, tenses, verbs, synonyms and antonyms, vocabulary, sentence structure, Proverbs, Phrases, Questions from a small unseen passage etc
(5 question from one unseen passage and 2 to 3 questions from remaining topics)
Shabd Pad, Kriya Bhed, Mishr & Sanyukt Vakya, Vakyo ka Rupantran, Swar Sandhi, Alankar, Samas, Muhavare & Lokoktiyan, Ashudh Vakya Shodhan, Apathit Gadyansh.
(5 questions from one Apathit Gadyansh and 2 to 3 questions from remaining topics).
PDF Sample Papers for Postman & Mailguard Exam:
I am giving below two previous years papers of Postman & Mailguard Exam in PDF format. These are the actual exam papers conducted by Andhra Pradesh Postal Circle (on 26.10.2014) and Tamil Nadu Postal Circle (on 16.12.2012). The exam pattern is identical in all respect to the Delhi Postal circle exam, except the Hindi test section (which is Telegu and Tamil in these papers).
From these papers you can have a very good idea about the standard/type of questions asked in Postman & Mailguard Exam :
In addition to above, you can refer to Sample paper of NTSE, which is a national level scholarship exam for Class-10 students. It is a matriculation level exam and the test sections are similar, excepting the Social Sciences and Science section in SAT which you should not go through. Click here to download this sample paper.
Prep Books for Postman & Mailguard Exam:
I found the following guide book on Postman & Mailguard Exam conducted by Delhi Postal Circle, which should be pretty useful. See if you get it in your nearby book store.
You can also order them online by clicking the links below, from which offers huge discounts upto 26%, apart from free home delivery. You can choose to pay through Credit Card/Debit Card/Internet Banking. You can also choose to pay through “Cash-on-Delivery” i.e. you pay in cash only when the same is delivered at your doorstep:
Delhi Postman / Mailguard Recruitment Exam (English); Publisher: Arihant
Cover Price: Rs.195/=; Offer Price: Rs.144; Discount:Rs.51 (26%)
In addition to above, you can also use the SSC MTS Exams prep books to study for Postman & Mailguard Exam, as it is of same matriculation level and has the same test sections:
15 Practice Sets Multi Tasking (Non Technical) : Group 'C' Recruitment Exam; Publisher: Arihant
Cover Price: Rs.125/=; Offer Price: Rs.119; Discount: Rs.6 (5%)
If you want to prepare seriously, you can also buy the following guide books of NTSE to prepare for this exam:
Cover Price: Rs.600, Offer Price: Rs.450, Discount: Rs. 150(25%)
Cover Price: Rs.595, Offer Price: Rs.474, Discount: Rs. 121 (20%)
If you use the above book, do not go through the section on Social Sciences and Science in SAT paper.Thats it! Hope above study materials on Delhi Postal Circle Postman & Mailguard Exam 2014 helps you to crack the exam easily.
Best Wishes!