An all-in-one post, this article gives you al the Prep materials you need to crack New India Assurance NIA Assistant Exam: the Syllabus, Sample papers and Books.
Dates for New India Assurance Assistant Exam 2015 has been declared already and it is going to be held on 17th, 18th and 24th January, 2015. Are you one of those who are going to appear in the exam? If yes, this blog post would help you find the study materials for it.It would give you the Syllabus for New India Assurance Assistant Exam 2015 in the form of Exam Pattern and than follow it up by pointing you to the Sample Papers and Books.
If you are a graduate within the age of 30 years and would like to try for these Insurance assistant positions, but have not applied for this recruitment so far, please go through my previous article: New India Assurance Assistant Recruitment Notification 2014; Dates, Form & Eligibility which would help you apply with ease.
With this, let us find the Syllabus/Exam Pattern.
Exam Pattern of NIA Assistant Exam 2015:
This Insurance assistant exam conducted by New India Assurance consists of 250 total questions to be answered in 2 hours from following five test sections:
Test of ReasoningTest of English Language
Test of General Awareness
Test of Numerical Ability
Computer Knowledge
There are 50 questions from each of above sections and each question is of 1 mark. With this, the pattern of exam is as given in the table at right.
There is negative marking in NIA exam - 1/4th mark for each wrong answer. So take care in marking guess answers carefully!
New India Co. Assistant Exam 2015 Syllabus:
There is no specific syllabus for New India Assurance Assistant Exam, as like most of the competitive recruitment exams. But is exam pattern and also the Eligibility required (i.e. graduation) is identical to IBPS CWE Clerk Exam Pattern as you can see from the test sections of BPS Common Written Exam for clerk given in the table at right.
Therefore, you can find the same standard of questions and also hence use the same prep materials i.e. Sample Papers and Prep Books for NIA Assistant Exam.
Selection Process for NIA Assiatnts:
Your written exam mark is going to be be proportionately reduced to a base of 35 mark i.e. if you score 200 out of total 250 marks your score would be 28 (i.e. 200/250 x 35 = 28).
After your are short-listed in the written exam, you would be called for Interview, which is of 15 marks. Thus the final merit list would be decided on 35+15=50 marks.
Sample Papers for NIA Assistant Exam 2015:
I had searched on the net for sample/previous years exam papers of New India Assurance Assistant Exam. But could not locate any paper specific to New India Assurance. But as I said, the pattern and standard of question is same as IBPS CWE Clerk exam, you can use the following sample papers to prepare for New India Assurance Assistant Exam:
New India Assurance Assistant Exam 2015 Prep Books:
You can use the following book to prepare for this exam:
Price: Rs. 285/=
But if you want to have a real in-depth study, you should again take help of the IBPS CWE Clerk exam books, most popular of which are given below:
This book covers all five test sections topics of IBPS CWE Clerk, 6 Model Practice Papers and 2 Previous Years' Solved Papers.
Ultimate Guide to IBPS-CWE Bank Clerk Examination: Current Affairs by Disha Publication
List Price: Rs. 300; Offer Price: Rs. 285; Discount: Rs. 15 (5%)
The book contains specific sections for Reasoning, English Language, Numerical Ability, General Awareness with special reference to Banking Industry and Computer Knowledge.
Study Package for IBPS Clerk Grade Pariksha (Hindi) by Sanjeev Joon; Publisher: TMH
List Price: Rs. 365; Offer Price: Rs. 292; Discount: Rs. 73 (20%)
This book covers all five test sections topics of IBPS CWE Clerk, 6 Model Practice Papers and 2 Previous Years' Solved Papers.
In case if you want to still study more seriously, I would suggest you prepare test-section wise for each of the five sections of Assistant Exam 2015. You can find the list of these books at the bottom of my post on Recommended Prep/ Guide Books for IBPS CWE Clerk.
That is all for now. Hope you would find the prep materials useful. Best Wishes!
In case if you want to still study more seriously, I would suggest you prepare test-section wise for each of the five sections of Assistant Exam 2015. You can find the list of these books at the bottom of my post on Recommended Prep/ Guide Books for IBPS CWE Clerk.
That is all for now. Hope you would find the prep materials useful. Best Wishes!