Learn through which Job Channels you can get your first job: Campus Interview Jobs, Pool Campus Jobs, Walk-in Jobs, Common Recruitment Tests, Job-site based Jobs, Referral Jobs (Buddy Lao jobs).
During my time of job-haunt, which is good 22 years back (I graduated in 1992), the channels through which job could be found was minimal. Job availability situations were available mainly in print media such as newspapers. Campus interview was rare and Internet was at its infancy.
You are however at the most fortunate time with evolved Internet with which you can haunt for jobs at the click of a button. There is more reason to be optimistic about finding the right job, as the economy of India is booming, creating more job opportunities.
If you ask me what channels are available to you for job-haunting, I would try to summarize as follows:
Age-Old Job Channels: Those that have been in existence even before Internet came.
1.0 Campus Interview Jobs.
2.0 Pool Campus Jobs.
3.0 Walk-in Jobs.
4.0 Common Recruitment Tests.
New Age Job Channels: Those that have come through Internet.
5.0 Job-site based Jobs.
6.0 Referral Jobs (Buddy Lao jobs).
The above list is indicative only and is categorized according to how the job selection process is organised by the recruiter. Let us go into details of these job-channels. Last two channels (Job-site based Jobs & Referral Jobs) would be discussed in my next post (New Age Job-Channels), while other channels are being discussed below.
1.0 Campus Interview Jobs:
If you are fortunate to belong to a very good institute (i.e. attractive in the eyes of a recruiter), than this channel is open before you when recruiters comes hunting for you in your own institute campus.
The Training & Placement cells of these institutes maintain very close relations with the recruiters, providing them with all required data on who would be attending the Campus Interview.
The selection process by the recruiter varies from recruiter to recruiter, but most recruiter goes through the usual round of Written Test -> Group Discussion -> Personal Interview, sometimes with Psychometric Tests.
Never had campus interview in the past, but would like to have one?
If there had never been a Campus Interview in your institute but you think that recruiters would find your students attractive to employ, than you need to chalk up a strategy as follows:
i) Form a Training & Placement Cell with concurrence from your institute authority. There must be at least a group of five/six active individuals, with an active faculty as a mentor.
Prepare an Institute Profile file (Name, Address, Branches, Qualifications awarded, Accreditation, Academic Calendar etc.), which is sought by the recruiters when you approach them for campus interview.
ii) Gather maximum data on your alumni: “Who is working in which organizations, in what capacity, which cities of which country”. More well placed are your alumni, more attractive the institute looks to a recruiter.
iii) The Institute Profile File and Alumni Profile becomes your sales brochure for the institute. With it, start approaching the recruiters through e-mail and phone. Where would you find these contact details? Use your contacts (Faculties, fellow friends from other institutes, alumnus) and of course Google to find the corporate websites!
Since the recruiters are always bombarded with requests for campus interview, it is unlikely that your requests would be accepted on your first request itself. Therefore you need to have patience for that first Campus Interview to occur for your institute. It may quite be possible that whatever you are doing. the fruits of it would be enjoyed by your junior students.
Also try to go in for good placement agencies first (rather than the employing organizations themselves), so that your students gets used to the whole idea of Campus Placement. Why? Because this way chances of conducting the first Campus interview is always better. Later you can go for employing organizations directly.
2.0 Pool Campus Jobs:
Very akin to the Campus Interview jobs, in Pool Campus Jobs, few institutes forms a pool and organizes the selection process in a common venue, mostly in one of the institutes having better infrastructure or better communication facilities.
The advantage for the recruiter is that they find students from all the institutes in a common place and thus do not have to visit the institutes individually. And hence more and better recruiter comes, which helps more students getting placed with better job offer.
Also, your own institute can form such a partnership with other institutes offering similar courses and qualifications and together you can invite recruiters for Pool Campus Jobs.
3.0 Walk-in Jobs:
As the name suggests, these kinds of jobs are advertised by the recruiters in the electronic (Internet) and print media (newspapers) and you just have to walk-in to appear in the selection process.
In most cases, the written-test round is not conducted and candidates are required to appear in the GD/Interview rounds directly.
Walk-in Interviews are a little bit different than the normal interviews – since the interviewer may not have heard at all about the institute you passed out from. His perception on you would bank entirely on your resume. Therefore you need to prepare as good a resume as possible.
Following two items are must-carry items while going for a walk-in:
1. Few (2/3) hardcopy of your resume.
2. Few (2/3) passport size photographs.
Also, if you are an working individual, you need to carry photocopies of the last increment letter/offer letter, whichever is latest.
You can visit following internet site to find walk-in job announcements:
4.0 Common Recruitment Tests:
This is the most formal out of all the job channels, which have been around for a long, long time. Used by all Government agencies (UPSC Exams – Civil Services, Defence, Railways etc.) and Public Sector industries (such as IOCL, NTPC, SAIL etc.), its advertisement are given elaborately in Print (newspapers) as well as in Electronic media (Internet). Not many Private Sector industries however conduct common recruitment tests.
The format of selection process is elaborate again: You need to apply in specified formats; you are called for written exams in selected centers after which GD & Interview is held.
Government jobs and Public Sector industries jobs are a happy hunting ground for freshers, since the intake is at entry-level, experience is not asked for.
Following link should help you getting these kinds of jobs:
Above rounds up the job channels which have been existing even before Internet came. Would you like to know the New Age Job Channels? Click here to find them.
You are however at the most fortunate time with evolved Internet with which you can haunt for jobs at the click of a button. There is more reason to be optimistic about finding the right job, as the economy of India is booming, creating more job opportunities.
If you ask me what channels are available to you for job-haunting, I would try to summarize as follows:
Age-Old Job Channels: Those that have been in existence even before Internet came.
1.0 Campus Interview Jobs.
2.0 Pool Campus Jobs.
3.0 Walk-in Jobs.
4.0 Common Recruitment Tests.
New Age Job Channels: Those that have come through Internet.
5.0 Job-site based Jobs.
6.0 Referral Jobs (Buddy Lao jobs).
The above list is indicative only and is categorized according to how the job selection process is organised by the recruiter. Let us go into details of these job-channels. Last two channels (Job-site based Jobs & Referral Jobs) would be discussed in my next post (New Age Job-Channels), while other channels are being discussed below.
1.0 Campus Interview Jobs:

The Training & Placement cells of these institutes maintain very close relations with the recruiters, providing them with all required data on who would be attending the Campus Interview.
The selection process by the recruiter varies from recruiter to recruiter, but most recruiter goes through the usual round of Written Test -> Group Discussion -> Personal Interview, sometimes with Psychometric Tests.
Never had campus interview in the past, but would like to have one?
If there had never been a Campus Interview in your institute but you think that recruiters would find your students attractive to employ, than you need to chalk up a strategy as follows:
i) Form a Training & Placement Cell with concurrence from your institute authority. There must be at least a group of five/six active individuals, with an active faculty as a mentor.
Prepare an Institute Profile file (Name, Address, Branches, Qualifications awarded, Accreditation, Academic Calendar etc.), which is sought by the recruiters when you approach them for campus interview.
ii) Gather maximum data on your alumni: “Who is working in which organizations, in what capacity, which cities of which country”. More well placed are your alumni, more attractive the institute looks to a recruiter.
iii) The Institute Profile File and Alumni Profile becomes your sales brochure for the institute. With it, start approaching the recruiters through e-mail and phone. Where would you find these contact details? Use your contacts (Faculties, fellow friends from other institutes, alumnus) and of course Google to find the corporate websites!
Since the recruiters are always bombarded with requests for campus interview, it is unlikely that your requests would be accepted on your first request itself. Therefore you need to have patience for that first Campus Interview to occur for your institute. It may quite be possible that whatever you are doing. the fruits of it would be enjoyed by your junior students.
Also try to go in for good placement agencies first (rather than the employing organizations themselves), so that your students gets used to the whole idea of Campus Placement. Why? Because this way chances of conducting the first Campus interview is always better. Later you can go for employing organizations directly.
2.0 Pool Campus Jobs:
Very akin to the Campus Interview jobs, in Pool Campus Jobs, few institutes forms a pool and organizes the selection process in a common venue, mostly in one of the institutes having better infrastructure or better communication facilities.

The advantage for the recruiter is that they find students from all the institutes in a common place and thus do not have to visit the institutes individually. And hence more and better recruiter comes, which helps more students getting placed with better job offer.
Also, your own institute can form such a partnership with other institutes offering similar courses and qualifications and together you can invite recruiters for Pool Campus Jobs.
3.0 Walk-in Jobs:
As the name suggests, these kinds of jobs are advertised by the recruiters in the electronic (Internet) and print media (newspapers) and you just have to walk-in to appear in the selection process.
In most cases, the written-test round is not conducted and candidates are required to appear in the GD/Interview rounds directly.
Walk-in Interviews are a little bit different than the normal interviews – since the interviewer may not have heard at all about the institute you passed out from. His perception on you would bank entirely on your resume. Therefore you need to prepare as good a resume as possible.
Following two items are must-carry items while going for a walk-in:
1. Few (2/3) hardcopy of your resume.
2. Few (2/3) passport size photographs.
Also, if you are an working individual, you need to carry photocopies of the last increment letter/offer letter, whichever is latest.
You can visit following internet site to find walk-in job announcements:
4.0 Common Recruitment Tests:
This is the most formal out of all the job channels, which have been around for a long, long time. Used by all Government agencies (UPSC Exams – Civil Services, Defence, Railways etc.) and Public Sector industries (such as IOCL, NTPC, SAIL etc.), its advertisement are given elaborately in Print (newspapers) as well as in Electronic media (Internet). Not many Private Sector industries however conduct common recruitment tests.
The format of selection process is elaborate again: You need to apply in specified formats; you are called for written exams in selected centers after which GD & Interview is held.
Government jobs and Public Sector industries jobs are a happy hunting ground for freshers, since the intake is at entry-level, experience is not asked for.
Following link should help you getting these kinds of jobs:
Above rounds up the job channels which have been existing even before Internet came. Would you like to know the New Age Job Channels? Click here to find them.