A step-by-step guide to write your first resume.After reading this article, you will find resume writing was such a simple job..
Learning resume writing by example:
If you see this resume, in the very first look itself you would find that:
1. It has been prepared in MS-Word in two pages. Why MS-Word? Because, almost everyone has it. You can as well make it as a .pdf/.rtf document.
2. The lay-out is kept very simple, with no graphics.
3. Font used is “Times New Roman” of uniform size for 'Headers' & 'Details' throughout, to maintain consistency of look and feel. You could as well use any other default fonts.
4. Its component (Objective, Education, Skill etc.) has been laid in such a way that each component stands out, with ample white spaces (so that resume does not look cluttered).
With the understanding of above look and feel, let’s go digging more of this résumé.
Components of this resume:
1.0 Header:
I suppose the title says it all and you should not have any problem inserting your own name, address, contact number and e-mail id in this space. If you have two addresses, say one for your campus and the other for your home address, insert it into two separate lines:
2.0 Objective:
Of all the components, “Objective” of a resume is what a fresher has the most problem writing. But in actuality it is very simple: It is akin to the “Subject” of the “Application for leave” you wrote in your school days! It says what is beneath it. With little bit of practice you can write the “Objective” of your resume very well.
This maximum two-line component says why you are writing the resume for.. what kind of a job you want. It should however be also supported by what you have written below it in the “Education”, “Experience” and “Skills” part of the resume.
For example, in the “objective” of this resume example, Sanjays objective is supported by his education (M.Sc in Comp. Science), Skills (List of software’s he has specialized), his Academic projects & the experiences he has gathered.
Some examples of a good resume objective are as below:
i) A position in the accounting field where excellent analytical and technical skill would help to improve the company's profitability.
ii) A Graphic Design position where advanced graphic and creative skills will produce a quality product for agency customers.
iii) An entry level project management position in the construction industry where strong skills in man-management and technical knowledge can be proved.
The above are only examples and we encourage you to learn more by digging through more resources in “Resume Links” of the “Discover Yourself” section.
3.0 Education:
This again is a cake-walk.. you know what you studied… so fill them chronologically, starting with your most recent qualification down upto Class-X.
And if you have good academic scores (anything above 60% or equivalent grade in Grade point system), write that down too with the year of passing (if without “gap” years) e.g.:
A.I.S.S.C.E : (10+2) (C.B.S.E), Central School, Umrangso, Assam - Year: 2002 –%age:80%.
A.I.S.S.E : (Matriculation) (C.B.S.E), Central School, Umrangso, Assam – Year: 2000 –%age: 75%.
M. Sc. (Comp. Sc.) : Assam University, Silchar – Likely Year of passing: 2007 –Current %age: 65%.
4.0 Skills:
It is again easy, some of it you have acquired from your academic life (i.e. from ‘Education’ above) and some you may have gained yourself by self-learning as you are interested in them. But you should take care while listing your skills, that these should reinforce what you have said in your “Objective” statement.
5.0 Academic Project Details:
This again is a part of your education and you should not have difficulty writing them down. You should take care here, so that the details presented are precise and concise. Use maximum 3/4 lines.
If you did not have “Academic Project” in your academic life, you can as well skip this component.
6.0 Work Experience:
How can a fresher have “Work Experience”? Well you must have.. just try to remember! This may even be those unpaid/voluntary works. e.g.:
i) Part-time jobs while you were studying,
ii) Short-term projects,
iii) Summer trainings,
iv) Research projects in which you have participated,
v) Term papers or documents you have prepared,
vi) Presentations made at seminars, workshops, or other meetings.
Your resume gets stronger, if you have those sort of work experiences, which reinforces your resume “objective”.
7.0 Co-curricular Activities:
The content you write under this component of resume is more to establish that you are a team player, a social animal, rather than justifying your skills or objectives of your resume.
8.0 Summary:
This sums up the resume.. it says what your strengths are and what your potential employer can expect from you. Some resume experts tells that the summary should be given at top, just below your header. But I prefer to place it at last, as it sums up the whole resume and that is why it is named as "Summary"!
9.0 References:
This is an optional component of your resume. If you are sure that the person whom you mention here (Your Institute Head / HOD / Teacher / Project Guide etc.) would speak well of you, if enquired by your potential employer, than mention their names & contact details here. Please also tell these persons that you have done so, so that they are not caught surprised when your potential employer enquires about you.
You can also choose to reveal the identities of your references only on request, by stating a one line as : References available on request. Kindly ask me for it.
If you see this resume, in the very first look itself you would find that:
1. It has been prepared in MS-Word in two pages. Why MS-Word? Because, almost everyone has it. You can as well make it as a .pdf/.rtf document.
2. The lay-out is kept very simple, with no graphics.
3. Font used is “Times New Roman” of uniform size for 'Headers' & 'Details' throughout, to maintain consistency of look and feel. You could as well use any other default fonts.
4. Its component (Objective, Education, Skill etc.) has been laid in such a way that each component stands out, with ample white spaces (so that resume does not look cluttered).
With the understanding of above look and feel, let’s go digging more of this résumé.
Components of this resume:
1.0 Header:

Campus: Block-C, Room No.-55, Assam Univeristy, Silchar, Assam, India – 788012
Home: House no. L – 12, Udayanchal Lane, C. R. Avenue, Silchar, Assam, India – 788012
Home: House no. L – 12, Udayanchal Lane, C. R. Avenue, Silchar, Assam, India – 788012
2.0 Objective:

This maximum two-line component says why you are writing the resume for.. what kind of a job you want. It should however be also supported by what you have written below it in the “Education”, “Experience” and “Skills” part of the resume.
For example, in the “objective” of this resume example, Sanjays objective is supported by his education (M.Sc in Comp. Science), Skills (List of software’s he has specialized), his Academic projects & the experiences he has gathered.
Some examples of a good resume objective are as below:
i) A position in the accounting field where excellent analytical and technical skill would help to improve the company's profitability.
ii) A Graphic Design position where advanced graphic and creative skills will produce a quality product for agency customers.
iii) An entry level project management position in the construction industry where strong skills in man-management and technical knowledge can be proved.
The above are only examples and we encourage you to learn more by digging through more resources in “Resume Links” of the “Discover Yourself” section.
3.0 Education:

And if you have good academic scores (anything above 60% or equivalent grade in Grade point system), write that down too with the year of passing (if without “gap” years) e.g.:
A.I.S.S.C.E : (10+2) (C.B.S.E), Central School, Umrangso, Assam - Year: 2002 –%age:80%.
A.I.S.S.E : (Matriculation) (C.B.S.E), Central School, Umrangso, Assam – Year: 2000 –%age: 75%.
M. Sc. (Comp. Sc.) : Assam University, Silchar – Likely Year of passing: 2007 –Current %age: 65%.
4.0 Skills:

5.0 Academic Project Details:

If you did not have “Academic Project” in your academic life, you can as well skip this component.
6.0 Work Experience:

i) Part-time jobs while you were studying,
ii) Short-term projects,
iii) Summer trainings,
iv) Research projects in which you have participated,
v) Term papers or documents you have prepared,
vi) Presentations made at seminars, workshops, or other meetings.
Your resume gets stronger, if you have those sort of work experiences, which reinforces your resume “objective”.
7.0 Co-curricular Activities:

8.0 Summary:

9.0 References:

You can also choose to reveal the identities of your references only on request, by stating a one line as : References available on request. Kindly ask me for it.